The 30 foot tall goliaths are bio-genetically engineered solely for the purpose of warfare & conquests, at the behest of their enigmatic overlords, the Robotech Masters. Centuries earlier, the Masters has expand their interstellar Empire to great heights, with help from their most crowning achievement, the Zentraedi. Helmed by Dolza, the Zentraedi Supreme Commander, the Zentraedi forces number in 5.8 million ships, billions of hard-hitting mechas, Masters carve their Empire at the corner of Milky Way.

As wars against dissidents, rebellious Disciples of Zor & with mysterious Invid draw to conclusions, the trigger-happy Zentraedi find themselves bereft of new enemies, apart from the occasional space pirates unlucky enough to cross their path with the vaunted Zentraedi. Earlier, in 1940 CE, the Zentraedi Task Force tracks down & destroy the last Disciple of Zor’s outpost; while in 1947 CE, they deliver a heavy & devastating blow to Invid forces in Tawkhan campaign, effectively drive the Invid out from their military hideout deep within Large Magellanic Cloud. This Imperial Task Force gains its notoriety from the abovesaid campaigns, & lead by its illustrious Fleet Commander, Breetai Kridanik, the 101st Assault Combined Fleet find itself to be the elites of the Zentraedi, second only to their brethrens in Masters own vaunted Tirolian Border Forces.

Zor Derelda, the aging 1st Robotech Master – founder of Robotechnology & creator of Protoculture - disgusted by his colleagues ie. Robotech Masters misuse of his ‘Holy Grail’ especially unnecessary terrible wars caused by Masters greed for power & glory, he secretly plans for the downfall of the Masters. Follow by the ever demanding needs for protoculture to fuel Masters warmachines & industrials needs of its vast Empire, Zor Derelda is tasked by the Masters to reseed Flower of Life to suitable planets within the fourth Quadrant as to produce viable protoculture matrices. Zor Derelda has long duped his tyrannical compatriots by supplying sterile version of Flower of Life to the Empire for centuries while he holds the secrets (& the original fertile species) to himself. In July 1999 CE, in one of his seeding mission on undisclosed location, under the watchful eyes of Zentraedi Borderers (of Tirolian Border Forces), Zor has secretly programmed his ship, a Makross class-battlefortress to fold to parts out of Masters influence – a planet Zor believes is the ancestral home of Tirolian race; Earth. This indeed come to pass, as Zor is later killed during an Invid ambush, & his ship automatically disappears from the far corners of the Empire, carrying within its bowel the last known fertile Flower of Life & the last of viable Protoculture Matrix.

Robotech Masters, fearing the collapse of the Empire cause by protoculture crises, tasks Dolza’s forces to track down the missing battlefortress. Dolza later choose the best of his most trusted fleet commanders, Breetai Kridanik & his vaunted 101st Assault Combined Fleet to search & capture Zor’s wayward battlefortress by any necessary means. Thus begins the 10-Earth standard years voyage of 101st Assault Combined Fleet to Earth, an insignificant small planet in Masters scheme of universal domination.

In late February 2009 CE, on Earth, the launch ceremony for Earth premier space battlefortress - SDF 1 is underway on Macross Island to mark the crowning achievement of UEG. Despite the buoyant & festive moods amongst humanity, a large alien fleet materializes on Earth doorstep. The Zentraedi have arrived.