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Replied by LadyGrimes on topic Random daily chit-chat

Well Skittles has proven to be the ultimate little batshit from hell. Chewed the ever living crap out of her plastic dishes that were blocking these holes in the cage some genius who designed it thought to put there for easy access NOT knowing they would be used for a little escape artist of a lovebird.

I've even gone as far as putting zip ties in there to act as cage bars but shes chewing through those too. Anyway she got out TWICE today and since shes an evil hell spawn I can't catch her with my bare hands so I had to use oven mitts. So now I need to come up with a new way to escape proof her cage so for the time being she's in my closet with the door closed otherwise she will fly to Tiki's cage and try to attack him, and he'll attack her too so damn. My birds hate each other to death.

I'm still pissed at whoever designed that cage. What a dumbass seriously. You don't leave holes where the food dishes go.

Also I am friggin crapping myself over the new comic spoilers for TWD HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay I'm calm now, nope HOLY SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!

issue comes out at midnight I'm so anxious omg.

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The following user(s) said Thank You: Alpha Bravo
8 years 3 weeks ago #23022

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Replied by LadyGrimes on topic Random daily chit-chat

So in the latest issue of TWD #156 to be exact, Negan decapitates someone at the end. It was epic af but now I have nothing but head puns running through my head now.

Negan is off to a head start now!

That lady really lost her head over Negan

Wow this plan really came to a head didn't it?

Heads up!

At least Negan got some head

Time to head off!

Okay I'll stop! :woohoo: but yeah was not expecting that at all.

Also boomski new avi <3 Aaron being forced to eat applesauce was one of the greatest things I have ever seen in TWD.

Thank you @AB for my adorable new avatar! <3
The following user(s) said Thank You: Alpha Bravo
8 years 2 weeks ago #23041

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Replied by Alpha Bravo on topic Random daily chit-chat

LadyGrimes wrote: Aaron being forced to eat applesauce was one of the greatest things I have ever seen in TWD.

What's wrong with that guy? I would never have to be forced to eat applesauce!
"Offers that are selected that the deposit paid the amount that we do not decide, or the pool, sipping mulled wine, and in addition you can play table tennis, there is one drawback, I do not have rights." - random spambot (translated)
The following user(s) said Thank You: LadyGrimes
8 years 2 weeks ago #23043

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Replied by LadyGrimes on topic Random daily chit-chat

Alpha Bravo wrote:

LadyGrimes wrote: Aaron being forced to eat applesauce was one of the greatest things I have ever seen in TWD.

What's wrong with that guy? I would never have to be forced to eat applesauce!

Me either but any poor soul would even eat shit if feral Grimes told them to. Feral Grimes is scary af and oddly arousing.
What is wrong with me? :whistle:

Thank you @AB for my adorable new avatar! <3
The following user(s) said Thank You: Alpha Bravo
8 years 2 weeks ago #23045

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Replied by Alpha Bravo on topic Random daily chit-chat

LadyGrimes wrote:

Alpha Bravo wrote:

LadyGrimes wrote: Aaron being forced to eat applesauce was one of the greatest things I have ever seen in TWD.

What's wrong with that guy? I would never have to be forced to eat applesauce!

Me either but any poor soul would even eat shit if feral Grimes told them to. Feral Grimes is scary af and oddly arousing.
What is wrong with me? :whistle:

I don't think there's anything wrong with you, but I could have been a psychologist instead of a trucker. Everyone knows that girl who goes from one abusive relationship to the next, and always ends up with assholes. Well there's a psychological reason for that, and it unfortunately creates a vicious cycle. She gets abused, so she looks for a strong guy to protect her. But typically she mistakes bullying for strength.

Feral Grimes walks that line between good guy and bad guy, but since we, the audience, know that he's a good guy at the end of the day, a woman knows that he would protect her without abusing her.
"Offers that are selected that the deposit paid the amount that we do not decide, or the pool, sipping mulled wine, and in addition you can play table tennis, there is one drawback, I do not have rights." - random spambot (translated)
The following user(s) said Thank You: LadyGrimes
8 years 2 weeks ago #23047

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Replied by LadyGrimes on topic Random daily chit-chat

Alpha Bravo wrote:

LadyGrimes wrote:

Alpha Bravo wrote:

LadyGrimes wrote: Aaron being forced to eat applesauce was one of the greatest things I have ever seen in TWD.

What's wrong with that guy? I would never have to be forced to eat applesauce!

Me either but any poor soul would even eat shit if feral Grimes told them to. Feral Grimes is scary af and oddly arousing.
What is wrong with me? :whistle:

I don't think there's anything wrong with you, but I could have been a psychologist instead of a trucker. Everyone knows that girl who goes from one abusive relationship to the next, and always ends up with assholes. Well there's a psychological reason for that, and it unfortunately creates a vicious cycle. She gets abused, so she looks for a strong guy to protect her. But typically she mistakes bullying for strength.

Feral Grimes walks that line between good guy and bad guy, but since we, the audience, know that he's a good guy at the end of the day, a woman knows that he would protect her without abusing her.

That is so true btw and I also might add it has something to do with one's childhood. If the person was abused either physically or emotionally, then they tend to seek out abusive partners because in their mind they've learned to mistake abuse for love. It's sad and it is a vicious cycle until the person can get help and finally wake up. Psychology is very fascinating to me. Probably explains why I watch all these documentaries about criminal profiling.

And yes we know Rick is the good guy. He won't tolerate abuse at all which is why Pete got what he deserved. I was literally yelling and cheering during the Rick/Pete fight. It was awesome. Also interesting that before the fight broke out Rick was saying something about how windows keep things in tact like society only to throw Pete out of one moments later. So that was obviously some symbolism there.

Speaking of which there is actually a ton of it in the show if you actually look for it. The letter "A" from Terminus was also another one we saw it on the boxcar and then on the church and later on in Alexandria in the form of a stamp. and by then Rick and his people were all suffering from some major PTSD, with some coping better than others. But the "A" stamp was definitely a reminder of Terminus for some, especially Rick.

Thank you @AB for my adorable new avatar! <3
The following user(s) said Thank You: Alpha Bravo
8 years 2 weeks ago #23049

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Replied by LadyGrimes on topic Random daily chit-chat

Well shit. Yeah that is my current reaction to the bad luck I've been plagued with lately. A bad tooth of mine got badder so to speak, in fact so bad the whole right side of my face puffed up so I looked like I was stowing away a large jawbreaker or something lol. Doesn't hurt that much either shockingly, but its numb af and swollen and I'm on an antibiotic atm because I called my doctor's office first thing this morning so I didn't have to go to the ER like the last time. It was worse the last time and I had to get a shot of toradol in my leg to bring the inflammation down.

This time I had Naproxen on hand and as soon as I noticed tat shit I took it, so that's probably helped tremendously in keeping it from getting worse. But this tooth BS is no joke. These infections can spread to your jaw, face, or even your brain that can and will kill you if left untreated So this mutha fookin tooth has got to go. BTW I'm amazed I can even type like a normal person rn because I'm pretty drugged up and feel like shit, but at least I'm on an antibiotic now even though I kinda had to light a fire under some people's asses to get things moving. Seriously my doctor's office had to resend the prescription twice because they fucked up so I ended up playing phone tag between them and the pharmacy. That's always the shit part but its done now so yay.

And little miss bitch can't get out of her cage anymore I figured out a way to keep her from pushing those plastic dishes up. I just bent the metal ends of the dish and now they won't budge at all. But knowing her she will chew the shit out of them until theres nothing left and then she'll have the last laugh. Shes destroyed all her toys in her cage then wonders why I don't get her anything new for a long time. I even said to her "See? THIS is why you can't have nice things you little shit! You destroy it all."

Tiki still has his toys in tact cause hes not destructive like she is, though he is guilty of chewing holes in his blankets same as her. Their blankets look like swiss cheese there's so many little holes in them. But he started doing that cause he would get mad he couldn't see me when I'd cover him up for bed time. I'd still be awake and he'd throw a fit so he started chewing big holes in his blankets just so he could see what I'm doing, or better yet what I'm eating. Always wants my food the little bastard.

Btw this is Mr. King shit himself

He is a total mommas boy and loves having his head scratched. Will even tilt it to the side. He's a Quaker parrot and in some states they're illegal to own because of the stupidity of other dumbshits releasing them into the wild. Apparently they've adapted to the harsh weather int he states and are regarded as a threat to some crops which I think is BS and I hope that law changes someday. Quakers are very sweet affectionate birds with a big personality and mine is a rescue btw as is the lovebird even though she wants to murder me in my sleep.

Thank you @AB for my adorable new avatar! <3
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Last edit: 8 years 2 weeks ago by LadyGrimes.
8 years 2 weeks ago #23060

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Replied by LadyGrimes on topic Random daily chit-chat

Welp my beloved Naproxen gave me an ulcer so now I'm dealing with trying to remedy that, but on the plus side at least the antibiotic is working <3 but yeah no more Naproxen for now </3

And my bird is seriously retarded, cause everytime I pick up one of my pill bottles he thinks its food and goes all fooking nuts.
I really have created a monster it seems.

Thank you @AB for my adorable new avatar! <3
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8 years 2 weeks ago #23087

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Replied by LadyGrimes on topic Random daily chit-chat

Currently reading the Robotech novels in PDF format of course. I'm halfway through with Force of Arms so far. I'm a fast reader what can I say?

Also I just might have to fly to Aussieland and kick some guys ass for harassing my friend and just being an overall creep. I've already scared off my roommate's annoying abusive ex who kept harassing both of us for weeks on end. She was literally scared of him and afraid to go to the police even after telling me the guy had his hand around her throat at least two times and threatened to kill her. I'm like no, no fucking way I'm gonna stop this right now and I pretty much did. I got the police involved after he kept coming here ringing our buzzer over and over, sometimes late at night or way early in the morning.

And being I suffer from horrible migraines that buzzer going off turned me into a real cunt lol, more so than usual. But yeah I put a stop to that shit. I just hate it when my friends have to deal with shit they shouldn't, really angers me. but since this one friend lives too far away, all I can do is give him good advice and so far I have. But dammit what I wouldn't give to go there and give his stalker a good kick in the balls. ah okay I can see I'm just ranting now. It's early in the morning and I'm hopped up on caffiene wheeeeeee

So yeah almost finished with the Macross story aka McKinney novels, and then onward to Southern Cross :S can't you just feel my enthusiasm?

also working on my own crap. In fact here's a little preview of something that will hopefully shape up to be something else one of these days.
Warning: Spoiler! [ Click to expand ]

Thank you @AB for my adorable new avatar! <3
The following user(s) said Thank You: Alpha Bravo
8 years 2 weeks ago #23098

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Replied by LadyGrimes on topic Random daily chit-chat

Wow, already been a week since I last bitched in this thing? Seems I've got a lot to make up for then ;)

Not a lot bitching just going to say I hate the fucking plumbing in my building. Bathroom sink keeps getting clogged with god only knows what, and this last time I thought I had just wasted an entire bottle of liquid plumber even though the directions said to pour the whole damn thing into the sink. Well okay I did that and it didn't take an hour for it work, it took almost 4 fucking hours. :angry: the clog is mostly gone now but it comes back every other month or so. And with as often as the water gets shut off for maintenance around here you'd think things would improve. Nope.

Not to mention I can't stand the smell of bleach, and with as humid as its been the other day I used that crap for the sink the whole place smelled of it. Ugh.

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8 years 1 week ago #23224

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