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Replied by LadyGrimes on topic so quiet here you can here a pin drop.

Alpha Bravo wrote:

LadyGrimes wrote: *She slaps him across the face* Some smooth talker you are! I bet you're a real hit with ladies aren't you? And for your information I happen to be a swindler. Smuggling is for amateurs. So are we going to talk business here or not? And what's with that uniform? You some kind of soldier or what?

"Listen, if you're smuggling Protoculture, then I need to know where it comes from, and where it's going. And if you don't tell me soon, then we're ALL going to be in big trouble when-"

*A large explosion two blocks away shatters the windows and shakes the entire building*

Rook: "The Invid are here!!"

Scott: "Damnit!" *switches on communicator* "Lunk, what's the status on the Alpha?!"

Lunk (over communicator): "It's got just enough power to turn the gauges on and see that it's out of power."

Scott: "Alright, then we'll just have to do this the hard way. Ariel, you stay here with Betty Boop. See if you can sniff out whatever she's hiding from us."

*Scott follows Rook and Rand out the door, but looks back over his shoulder*

Scott: "And when you find it, remember not to eat it all."

Betty boop? *stomps her feet and grumbles* I like to think I look and sound more like Marion Davies, you jerk!

*she looks at Ariel and shrugs. Men huh? Anyway, honey you just stay right here. I've just got to run to the little girls room. *bats her eyes innocently*

Ariel: Okay I'll wait here.

*Victoria makes a beeline for the hidden cellar and throws the door open. "Maxwell, we've got trouble!"

*Maxwell Graham hears the explosions from above.
Maxwell: "You don't say?"
Victoria: Cut the sarcasm. Is the booze still in one piece?"
*Maxwell looks at the crates* It looks fine to me, but what in bloody hell are in these other crates?
Victoria: Maybe we should ask our prisoner?
*she steps aside to reveal a man tied up and gagged*
Victoria: Now, now. No need to get all uppity on us here. *she removes the gag* Now tell us what else you've got in these crates.

"Protoculture cannisters" The man blurts out. "Please let me go. I swear I won't go to the police.

*Victoria gasps* That's it. That's the stuff the man in tights was inquiring about.

*Maxwell raises an eyebrow* "Man in tights?"

Victoria: "Oh don't worry you'll find out soon enough. He told some girl to stay behind and keep an eye on me. So what I do? I tell her I needed to use the ladies room. *laughs* And she actually believed me."

Maxwell: So do we give it to him or not?"

*she opens one of the crates and pulls out a cannister looking it over with curiosity* What do you suppose this stuff is? Can you drink it I wonder? *she looks back at Maxwell* "We're not going to give it to him until he tells us what it is. *smirks* And of course we're going to make him pay for it. Something like this has to be worth a lot of money."

Thank you @AB for my adorable new avatar! <3
8 years 1 month ago #22794

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Replied by Alpha Bravo on topic so quiet here you can here a pin drop.

LadyGrimes wrote: Betty boop? *stomps her feet and grumbles* I like to think I look and sound more like Marion Davies, you jerk!

*she looks at Ariel and shrugs. Men huh? Anyway, honey you just stay right here. I've just got to run to the little girls room. *bats her eyes innocently*

Ariel: Okay I'll wait here.

*Victoria makes a beeline for the hidden cellar and throws the door open. "Maxwell, we've got trouble!"

*Maxwell Graham hears the explosions from above.
Maxwell: "You don't say?"
Victoria: Cut the sarcasm. Is the booze still in one piece?"
*Maxwell looks at the crates* It looks fine to me, but what in bloody hell are in these other crates?
Victoria: Maybe we should ask our prisoner?
*she steps aside to reveal a man tied up and gagged*
Victoria: Now, now. No need to get all uppity on us here. *she removes the gag* Now tell us what else you've got in these crates.

"Protoculture cannisters" The man blurts out. "Please let me go. I swear I won't go to the police.

*Victoria gasps* That's it. That's the stuff the man in tights was inquiring about.

*Maxwell raises an eyebrow* "Man in tights?"

Victoria: "Oh don't worry you'll find out soon enough. He told some girl to stay behind and keep an eye on me. So what I do? I tell her I needed to use the ladies room. *laughs* And she actually believed me."

Maxwell: So do we give it to him or not?"

*she opens one of the crates and pulls out a cannister looking it over with curiosity* What do you suppose this stuff is? Can you drink it I wonder? *she looks back at Maxwell* "We're not going to give it to him until he tells us what it is. *smirks* And of course we're going to make him pay for it. Something like this has to be worth a lot of money."

*As Victoria comes back upstairs she finds Ariel waiting for her. Before Victoria even says a word, Ariel's eyes grow wide as she sees the cannister in her hands*

Victoria: "Is this what you're looking for?"

Ariel: "That's it! Protoculture! Please, you MUST give it to me!!"

*Ariel lunges forwards to grasp the Protoculture, but Victoria wisks it away, just out of her reach*

Victoria: "And what exactly IS this stuff?"

Ariel: "It powers their weapons and mecha. Without it, they can't fight the Invid."

Victoria: "Mmm-hmm. And why should I give it to you?"

Ariel: "Because..." *She looks down at her feet sheepishly, "...because if I give it to Scott, then he might offer me a word of praise, a crumb of approval, a modicum of self-esteem. It's the only way to make him love me!!"

Victoria: <_<
"Offers that are selected that the deposit paid the amount that we do not decide, or the pool, sipping mulled wine, and in addition you can play table tennis, there is one drawback, I do not have rights." - random spambot (translated)
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8 years 1 month ago #22806

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Replied by LadyGrimes on topic so quiet here you can here a pin drop.

Alpha Bravo wrote:

LadyGrimes wrote: Betty boop? *stomps her feet and grumbles* I like to think I look and sound more like Marion Davies, you jerk!

*she looks at Ariel and shrugs. Men huh? Anyway, honey you just stay right here. I've just got to run to the little girls room. *bats her eyes innocently*

Ariel: Okay I'll wait here.

*Victoria makes a beeline for the hidden cellar and throws the door open. "Maxwell, we've got trouble!"

*Maxwell Graham hears the explosions from above.
Maxwell: "You don't say?"
Victoria: Cut the sarcasm. Is the booze still in one piece?"
*Maxwell looks at the crates* It looks fine to me, but what in bloody hell are in these other crates?
Victoria: Maybe we should ask our prisoner?
*she steps aside to reveal a man tied up and gagged*
Victoria: Now, now. No need to get all uppity on us here. *she removes the gag* Now tell us what else you've got in these crates.

"Protoculture cannisters" The man blurts out. "Please let me go. I swear I won't go to the police.

*Victoria gasps* That's it. That's the stuff the man in tights was inquiring about.

*Maxwell raises an eyebrow* "Man in tights?"

Victoria: "Oh don't worry you'll find out soon enough. He told some girl to stay behind and keep an eye on me. So what I do? I tell her I needed to use the ladies room. *laughs* And she actually believed me."

Maxwell: So do we give it to him or not?"

*she opens one of the crates and pulls out a cannister looking it over with curiosity* What do you suppose this stuff is? Can you drink it I wonder? *she looks back at Maxwell* "We're not going to give it to him until he tells us what it is. *smirks* And of course we're going to make him pay for it. Something like this has to be worth a lot of money."

*As Victoria comes back upstairs she finds Ariel waiting for her. Before Victoria even says a word, Ariel's eyes grow wide as she sees the cannister in her hands*

Victoria: "Is this what you're looking for?"

Ariel: "That's it! Protoculture! Please, you MUST give it to me!!"

*Ariel lunges forwards to grasp the Protoculture, but Victoria wisks it away, just out of her reach*

Victoria: "And what exactly IS this stuff?"

Ariel: "It powers their weapons and mecha. Without it, they can't fight the Invid."

Victoria: "Mmm-hmm. And why should I give it to you?"

Ariel: "Because..." *She looks down at her feet sheepishly, "...because if I give it to Scott, then he might offer me a word of praise, a crumb of approval, a modicum of self-esteem. It's the only way to make him love me!!"

Victoria: <_<

Victoria: "Oh you poor, poor dear." *she pat her on the shoulder and smiled* "You can't make him love you, sweetie. It has to happen on its own, ya know? No? *clears her throat and laughs as she lights a cigarette* Take it from me, honey. No man is worth it if you've got to give him things to appreciate you, but you have my sympathy so here you go. *She gives Ariel the cannister* "Hopefully Mr. long-johns will notice you now." *puffs on her cigarette*

Ariel: "Oh thank you so much!"

Victoria: "Don't mention it, sweetie. Now if you don't mind I'm just going to help myself to a drink here. *walks over to the bar and pour herself a glass of wine while the building is still shaking* "What a perfect time to get plastered with all the ruckus going on. Say would you care for a drink too? Or do you even drink at all?"

Thank you @AB for my adorable new avatar! <3
Last edit: 8 years 1 month ago by LadyGrimes.
8 years 1 month ago #22807

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Replied by Alpha Bravo on topic so quiet here you can here a pin drop.

LadyGrimes wrote: Victoria: "Oh you poor, poor dear." *she pat her on the shoulder and smiled* "You can't make him love you, sweetie. It has to happen on its own, ya know? No? *clears her throat and laughs as she lights a cigarette* Take it from me, honey. No man is worth it if you've got to give him things to appreciate you, but you have my sympathy so here you go. *She gives Ariel the cannister* "Hopefully Mr. long-johns will notice you now." *puffs on her cigarette*

Ariel: "Oh thank you so much!"

Victoria: "Don't mention it, sweetie. Now if you don't mind I'm just going to help myself to a drink here. *walks over to the bar and pour herself a glass of wine while the building is still shaking* "What a perfect time to get plastered with all the ruckus going on. Say would you care for a drink too? Or do you even drink at all?"

*But Ariel was already on the comm*

Ariel: "Scott! come back, quick! She's willing to give us the Protoculture!"

Scott: "SCHKKTT! You better not be lying to me, or else I'll rip out your tongue and put it in my secondary fuel tank!"

Lunk: "SCHKKTT! You know that would only give you five minutes of flight time..."

Ariel: "No, it's true! Come and see for yourself!"

*A moment later, Scott's Cyclone roars up to the entrance and powers down. Scott runs through the door and flips his visor up*

Scott: "Could it be?! This is too good to be true!"

Ariel: "Here you go, Scott! Protoculture!!"

Scott: "Wow this is the best birthday EVER!!"


Scott: "Oh, about that... Um... She's, actually... non, corporeal? Yeah, so, she'll be alright, really... Aaaahh.......................Sorry about the mess...

*Scott hurries out the door as his Cyclone roars to life, drowning out any protestations of Victoria as he pops a wheelie and leaves her alone in her room full of exploded Ariel head*
"Offers that are selected that the deposit paid the amount that we do not decide, or the pool, sipping mulled wine, and in addition you can play table tennis, there is one drawback, I do not have rights." - random spambot (translated)
Last edit: 8 years 1 month ago by Alpha Bravo.
8 years 1 month ago #22810

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Replied by LadyGrimes on topic so quiet here you can here a pin drop.

Alpha Bravo wrote:

LadyGrimes wrote: Victoria: "Oh you poor, poor dear." *she pat her on the shoulder and smiled* "You can't make him love you, sweetie. It has to happen on its own, ya know? No? *clears her throat and laughs as she lights a cigarette* Take it from me, honey. No man is worth it if you've got to give him things to appreciate you, but you have my sympathy so here you go. *She gives Ariel the cannister* "Hopefully Mr. long-johns will notice you now." *puffs on her cigarette*

Ariel: "Oh thank you so much!"

Victoria: "Don't mention it, sweetie. Now if you don't mind I'm just going to help myself to a drink here. *walks over to the bar and pour herself a glass of wine while the building is still shaking* "What a perfect time to get plastered with all the ruckus going on. Say would you care for a drink too? Or do you even drink at all?"

*But Ariel was already on the comm*

Ariel: "Scott! come back, quick! She's willing to give us the Protoculture!"

Scott: "SCHKKTT! You better not be lying to me, or else I'll rip out your tongue and put it in my secondary fuel tank!"

Lunk: "SCHKKTT! You know that would only give you five minutes of flight time..."

Ariel: "No, it's true! Come and see for yourself!"

*A moment later, Scott's Cyclone roars up to the entrance and powers down. Scott runs through the door and flips his visor up*

Scott: "Could it be?! This is too good to be true!"

Ariel: "Here you go, Scott! Protoculture!!"

Scott: "Wow this is the best birthday EVER!!"


Scott: "Oh, about that... Um... She's, actually... non, corporeal? Yeah, so, she'll be alright, really... Aaaahh.......................Sorry about the mess...

*Scott hurries out the door as his Cyclone roars to life, drowning out any protestations of Victoria as he pops a wheelie and leaves her alone in her room full of exploded Ariel head*

*Victoria shrieks then makes a run for the cellar where she comes down the stairs to find Maxwell sitting on top of their prisoner*

Victoria: "What in hell do you think you're doing with him?"

Maxwell: *Grunts as he struggles to keep the man down* "Wouldn't you know it? The bloke had a bloody knife on him and cut himself lose!"

Victoria: "Forget about him, Maxwell. The man in tights is insane! He made that poor girl's head explode. Oh you should've seen it , it was horrible! In fact I need to sit down. * she plops down on one of the crates* No amount of booze is going to help getting that out of my head."

*Maxwell releases the man who makes his escape up the stairs and out the door where he finds Ariel's headless corpse and screams*

Victoria: We have to get the hell out of here before that crazy man comes back."

Maxwell: And what about this horticulture or whatever the blood hell it is?"

Victoria: "We leave it behind. He can have it!"

Maxwell: Well does he even know its down here?"

*she shakes her head* "We have to try and sneak out of here as soon as possible." *She grabs her fur coat* "This was a total bust. Now we cut our losses and run for the hills."

Maxwell: "But what of this crazy man? What if we run into him on our way out?"

Victoria: "All he wants is the protoculture. We'll just tell him where it is then we make a run for it."

Thank you @AB for my adorable new avatar! <3
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8 years 1 month ago #22811

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Replied by LadyGrimes on topic so quiet here you can here a pin drop.

Victoria and Maxwell

Yus I know she's a babe. And a babe with the power of voodoo.

Thank you @AB for my adorable new avatar! <3
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8 years 1 month ago #22842

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Replied by Alpha Bravo on topic so quiet here you can here a pin drop.

The painting you posted before actually reminded me of the art style of the original paperback covers of the Jack McKinney novels. And to answer your question as to why I didn't think she was pretty, you were right about the makeup, I've never really cared for it. You are a much better artist than I ever was, BUT I can draw a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle with my eyes closed:

For some reason I can't post this one. It black out the entire image.
"Offers that are selected that the deposit paid the amount that we do not decide, or the pool, sipping mulled wine, and in addition you can play table tennis, there is one drawback, I do not have rights." - random spambot (translated)
The following user(s) said Thank You: LadyGrimes
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8 years 1 month ago #22844

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Replied by LadyGrimes on topic so quiet here you can here a pin drop.

Alpha Bravo wrote: The painting you posted before actually reminded me of the art style of the original paperback covers of the Jack McKinney novels. And to answer your question as to why I didn't think she was pretty, you were right about the makeup, I've never really cared for it. You are a much better artist than I ever was, BUT I can draw a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle with my eyes closed:

For some reason I can't post this one. It black out the entire image.

Thanks! So I take it she looks better in the drawing where you can't see all the makeup then? :P

And dam boi that's some talent you got there. I can't draw shit with my eyes closed so you've one upped me there.

Also dat was sum goofy role playing we did :woohoo: but I can be a serious writer too when it calls for it, like my Walking Dead fic which you seem to be enjoying. :cheer:

Thank you @AB for my adorable new avatar! <3
The following user(s) said Thank You: Alpha Bravo
8 years 1 month ago #22846

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Replied by Alpha Bravo on topic so quiet here you can here a pin drop.

LadyGrimes wrote: Thanks! So I take it she looks better in the drawing where you can't see all the makeup then? :P

And dam boi that's some talent you got there. I can't draw shit with my eyes closed so you've one upped me there.

Also dat was sum goofy role playing we did :woohoo: but I can be a serious writer too when it calls for it, like my Walking Dead fic which you seem to be enjoying. :cheer:

Yeah I quite like the Black n White one above.

A very long time ago I was a regular poster on a "Villains Tavern" message board where we had all sorts of characters from anime and video games. We wrote many stories, usually serious but with ridiculous comedic elements. Sadly that board no longer exists, and the stories are all gone now. I've done some game reviews on a friend's website, but haven't written anything substantial for quite some time. I am working on a 16-bit RPG, but writing for that is rather different than what I'm accustomed to, and it will probably never be finished due to the massive amount of work involved in tying the scenes together.

I've read some REALLY BAD FANFIC over the years, yours is a nice change of pace since it's actually good.
"Offers that are selected that the deposit paid the amount that we do not decide, or the pool, sipping mulled wine, and in addition you can play table tennis, there is one drawback, I do not have rights." - random spambot (translated)
8 years 1 month ago #22849

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Replied by LadyGrimes on topic so quiet here you can here a pin drop.

Alpha Bravo wrote:

LadyGrimes wrote: Thanks! So I take it she looks better in the drawing where you can't see all the makeup then? :P

And dam boi that's some talent you got there. I can't draw shit with my eyes closed so you've one upped me there.

Also dat was sum goofy role playing we did :woohoo: but I can be a serious writer too when it calls for it, like my Walking Dead fic which you seem to be enjoying. :cheer:

Yeah I quite like the Black n White one above.

A very long time ago I was a regular poster on a "Villains Tavern" message board where we had all sorts of characters from anime and video games. We wrote many stories, usually serious but with ridiculous comedic elements. Sadly that board no longer exists, and the stories are all gone now. I've done some game reviews on a friend's website, but haven't written anything substantial for quite some time. I am working on a 16-bit RPG, but writing for that is rather different than what I'm accustomed to, and it will probably never be finished due to the massive amount of work involved in tying the scenes together.

I've read some REALLY BAD FANFIC over the years, yours is a nice change of pace since it's actually good.

Well you've got quite the sense of humor and imagination that much is true :P

And writing anything is a royal pain in the ass. Not just the work itself but keeping yourself into it. I've scrapped a lot of things because I either just lost interest or hated it completely. Having limitations doesn't help either, so I don't draw or paint nearly as much as I used to, but when I have the burst of motivation its nice. So hopefully you'll finish your project one of these days. Just don't drive yourself crazy with it. I frequently take breaks so I can come back to it with a refreshed mind so-to-speak. It works wonders surprisingly.

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Thank you @AB for my adorable new avatar! <3
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8 years 1 month ago #22852

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