James Wan In Talks To Direct Sony ROBOTECH

According to the Hollywood Reporter, James Wan has been offered and is in early talks to direct Sony's ROBOTECH. With the incredible success of Furious 7, Wan is the is in great demand. Sony is not the only one in talks, Warners is in line for Aquaman and Universal wants him to direct Fast & Furious 8. Currently Wan is committed to The Conjuring 2: The Enfield Poltergeist. So as a ROBOTECH fan, before jumping on the Wan train. Sony will probably have to keep looking since there is only so much a guy can do. That or we wait a few more years. How much longer are you willing to wait?

ROBOTECH.COM Website Hacked!

As many of you may already know -- via social media or email -- the corporate ROBOTECH.com website owned by Harmony Gold had a security breach. Where attackers managed to obtain usernames, emails, and passwords. Accroding to a mass email sent by Steve Yun, "no credit card information and other critical data" was compromised as the information was stored on apparently separate and more secure servers. This is not the first time this has happened, back in April of 2012 there was a security breach where it was believed account details might have been compromised. As always, the recommendation is to change your passwords if you were using the same one on Robotech.com as you were on other online services.


Sony Pictures Secures Robotech Rights

 Sony Pictures Acquires RObotech RIghts

Move over Warner Brothers, you kept the fans waiting long enough. Sony has announced that it has secured the rights to Robotech and the studio plans to quickly develop a live-action movie. Not only that but views the project as a possible film franchise. 

The project will be overseen at Sony Pictures by Sony Pictures Entertainment Group President Doug Belgrad, Columbia Pictures Production Chief Michael De Luca, and Sony Pictures Vice President of Creative Production Matthew Milam.

“‘Robotech’ is unique in that it has always been a marriage of spectacle with human characters that seem drawn from life,” said De Luca. “That’s why we are so excited to be working with Mark and Gianni as we move forward on this project. With a history that offers an epic love triangle, a renegade hero, and a world on the brink of extinction, ‘Robotech’ offers a wide scope and a rich and impressive universe where the story possibilities are endless.”

Deadline Reports Robotech Live Action Movie Back Online


According to Deadline, Warner Brothers based producers Hollywood Gang have brought in Michael Gordon (300 and G.I.Joe: Rise of Cobra) to revive the Robotech Live Action Movie project. With their sights set on Andy Muschietti to steer the film. We're all thinking the same thing, so lets see how this develops. 

Source: Deadline